Entyse & BriJoRae’
Jan 213 min read
Let's Catch Up: Traveling Overseas!, Rebrand & New Offerings
Hello friends! It has been a WHILE- hasn't it!? :) Ty and I have so much to share with you... a little life update of sorts... as we will...
follow, transitive verb :
go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.
strive after; aim at.
As a boy, you learn to follow your father or a fatherly figure or leader in your life from a very early age. As a man, by God's design, once you reach the age of maturity, you are ordained to assume the role of father and leader in your home and in your community... specifically, in the lives of anyone destined to follow after you.
But what happens when you feel the culture, authorities, and varying perspectives of masculinity you've been presented with, have less to do with true manhood and more in common with a spirit of pride? How do you learn to walk away from all you've known to step into a space free of toxicity and falsehood, and follow a Man... called Emmanuel... God with us... whom you feel you know far less about?... Because only hearing who He is from everyone else's perspective is still just culture... not experience... not intimacy and Truth.
This is The Native Road... a somewhat unfamiliar path where I've had to find my way into true Freedom, releasing myself from the boy I used to be, in order to become the man God always knew I was... and the deeper He's taken me, the more I've come to know who God, my Father, truly is. My redeemer. Everyday becoming more and more... my friend.
I am Entyse but you can call me Ty or Pusch (Push).
It's my last name and it's what I do.
It can be difficult to learn to let go of control and your version of how to get the job done but once I realized God wanted the same freedoms for me and my family that I wanted for us, and that He knew better how to get them, releasing became a much easier process. Easier, but not always easy...
But... I wanted to be free... to roam, to think, and to manifest the Greatness I've always felt burning within me, so, I had to learn a new way (that was really an ancient way... the original way)... His way - a path where I could still be the warrior He created me to be, yet, with far less resistance. Have you ever realized that resistance is usually more our own than external? Did you know that if you could just break free in your own mind, you'd have everything you need to be free resting at your disposal? ...just waiting for you to step into it...
Today, it is my hope that if you find yourself here, like me... seeking your way to dominion, kingship, freedom, and Truth, you'll join me on the journey...
...a Journey of learning, living, and loving the Samsonite strength I'm standing in and the Heaven I'm learning to call home. Today...
When I was young, I felt like my family didn't have a lot. I think this is what instilled in me a desire to have more - to do and be more. So I became more resourceful- at times almost to a fault... but we'll get to that later, as there are plenty of good sides to being resourceful- especially when you learn how to do it in alignment with who God created you to be. ​
I've always been a bit of a utility man- a jack of all trades. If I couldn't find the kind of weights I felt I needed to become stronger, I made them out of a few gallons of milk replaced with water- imagine what you can do when they're frozen. To this day, when I want to learn something I don't already know, I seek out lessons through YouTube and Chat GPT... podcasts from people like Jordan Peterson, Preston Perry, Joe Rogan, and Dave Ramsey - anywhere it doesn't take much to get access and the people involved actually know what they're talking about. Those who if they don't know, they're smart enough to refer someone who does. This teaches you that if you're willing to do the work, you can find what you need.
Finding alternative methods to recover what my family and I need is a strength I stand boldly in - and if you're here, I'm sure you've somehow found yourself encouraged to do the same.
Fairly priced quality housing is a problem all over the world. As I've been a trucker in the civilian and military worlds for over 15 years, I've seen a great deal of homelessness and housing dilemmas but also solutions. My favorite of which, is the
Tiny House Movement.
In the winter of 2020, my wife and I sold and donated most of our belongings and while I was deployed, she used our upgraded deployment finances to convert our SUV into a car camper and she traveled the country. When I returned home, we moved our camper to Washington state, where it currently remains, as we hope to someday base out of the Pacific NorthWest. From there, we got on the road with my military-acquired CDL to start saving for our tiny house vision while also living that dream out in the way that was already financially accessible to us.
If you're new to the world of trucking, a semi can be easily lived out of with the right tools. Ours comes stock with two bunk beds (one of which we've turned into a storage loft and Bri's art space, and there's space for a TV and my gaming setup, a microwave, refrigerator, and with our electric skillet, and some of our camper kitchen innovation, we built our own collapsible kitchen.
Minimalism and off-grid education have been vital keys in paving our path to financial freedom and prosperity. In a country where the "American Dream" is to have a big house, luxury car, and space for a ton of stuff, we've learned through the Nazarite vow and dedication to letting go of the things that don't actually add value to our lives, that our freedom was a gift we were born with. Though it had been stolen from our ancestors, they fought to take it back and it is our duty to join that fight, especially when once we've taken back our fire, nothing but the status quo stands in our way. Achieving freedom is not just important and accessible in the physical realm but also for your mind and soul.
The moment you realize your Spirit is ALREADY FREE, you CAN have holistic freedom regardless of what circumstances and people TRY to dictate to you.
And not just in the future but RIGHT NOW.
Trucking is a skill I was given that I've been able to use to propel my family into our vision of freedom: off-grid full-time travel and a holistically healthy self-sustainable lifestyle. Now, nothing is perfect. Like most people, we have had quite the uphill journey to get as far as we've gotten and we've got a lifetime to go but know this. If you use the gifts that are already in your hands, God can cultivate more than you ever thought you had to begin with.
I am proof.
So here's Lesson Number One:
You don't have to be more.
I'm learning that as a child of God, it's guaranteed we already have AND ARE more than we know. And with the Creator of the Universe as our God - our leader, teacher, and friend - we will ALWAYS have access to more than we can ever need.
So now that we know, we WALK IN IT.
True self-sustainability is not something we have to create for ourselves. It's a gift God birthed within us when He placed us on this abundant earth. If we want it... all we need to do is remember our birthright... and return to the Native Road.
So this is where you find me.
Next stop: a tiny house build!
Stay tuned to join me on the journey...
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of dedication to the Lord as a Nazirite, they must abstain...
Numbers 6...
“But as for you, O man of God , flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”
1 Timothy 6:11