“Make majesty.“
That is what my Father in heaven told me... it’s what He has created and ordained me to do... myself and many others. A task that can, at first, sound so daunting- and when thinking it all has to be as perfect as He is, can seem so scary... but the beauty of such this simple two-word command, is that He has already created EVERYTHING. All you have to do is take His hand within your being...
...and Create. He will open your eyes again.
Dream. He will start your pencil again. Write...
...and all that flows from this freedom, from Him within you, from you joined together and birthed into and out of His spirit of perfection and peace... will be MAJESTIC.
No, it doesn’t have to be “perfect”. It won’t be... but what is perfection, but intention cradled in love.
I love you, friend. Keep going. You’re doing WONDERFULLY. BEAUTIFULLY! And THAT makes this moment and everything within it, exactly as it should be. Perfect. 🦋

God bless your journey.