We’ve all experienced hurt, anxiety… pain.
And what does this say about us?
What does this say about the greater human condition as we exist in this realm?
Simply and profoundly… that we were and are... created beings. We all have needs. We all have faults.
We are all imperfect beings seeking to be and know something… someone… some place…
We cannot fight the human experience. It is our reality… at least one part of it.
Therefore, knowing the great race we are set forth to run, we must endure.
Heartache. Exhaustion. Difficulty. Pain and suffering.
And endurance requires patience.
Endurance requires practice.
Endurance and thus perseverance requires sacrifice… that can be molded to cultivate passion… therefore birthing in us the knowledge of what it is to be alive.
Endurance reveals love.
I can’t say I don’t know pain. I’ve definitely experienced my fair share in this life… but I can say, I have experienced it… and ENDURED.
Running this race and never giving up is what shows you how GREAT the human condition actually is- regardless of how we may sometimes feel or how circumstances may at times appear.
The race reveals how great YOU are...
Your body, heart, and mind can suffer greatly, and yet, you are CRAFTED AND CULTIVATED GREATNESS-
brought forth with a strength you may sometimes forget you have, though it remains - shining through when your back is against the wall... because you persevere! You are STILL...
Create in us clean hearts oh God… RENEW right spirits within Us! Reconnect us to our essence... YOUR Spirit!
Here… in this space… it is our God’s prayer over your life, that you will feel welcome. Feel loved. And have the opportunity to witness the earth, the sky, and the land before your eyes, open up to reveal the greatness that is the heavens!
You're HOME.
Notice - it is not above but before you... within reach- it IS yours! We pray that at some point in your experience here, you will discover yourself, holistically opening up… opening up in the mind and heart, opening up in the body... and being carried off, captivated by the Spirit of glory within you!
…YOU… are a masterpiece… YOU are the hand-crafted glory of the universe! YOU are KNOWN and LOVED by your loving and wise creator, God.
He is here… in this place.
Where you are… in this space... right now.
There is no need to wait… to waste energy debating with yourself about whether He exists or if His will for your life and His presence are true.
For as you make the simple choice to journey forward, following your sense of wonder, He WILL reveal Himself to you… somewhere as you roam… and maybe when you least expect Him. He will show you...
He is God… He is YOURS, as you are His.
He will show you... simply... that you are Loved.
Whether you already know Him intimately or have yet to encounter His presence...
We pray His majesty strikes your life with unimaginable, Holy and enlightening, all-consuming glory…
and that here… in His presence… you will remain,
Welcome… to Peace.
God bless your journey.