Hello Friends!
I pray you've been greatly well! I know a small span of time has passed since our last post! Ty and I have been busy with some amazing life changes that we will be sharing some time soon (hint... Ty got a new job and we moved across the country to move forward with our ministry plans and Tiny Living journey)!

And while we've been blessed to enjoy some of the most beautiful moments of our lives over the last several months, we've also had our fair share of difficulties.

And yet... hard times have an ability to truly enrich our lives in such unexpected ways! And in the Spirit of peace and positivity... my husband and I have a gift for you!
For those that don't know, my husband Ty is in the Army National Guard and he deployed at the end of 2020. Prior to his departure, we made the decision to go tiny (translation - we have been saving to build a tiny house on wheels :)! For us, like many Americans, our rent and utility payments were a great portion of the expense we were required to fork over every month so in order to begin maximizing our ability to save money, we sold and donated about 90% of our belongings, moved what was left into a small storage unit (that we are currently sizing down again) and converted the interior of our SUV into a wooden camper build!

While Ty was deployed, I traveled the west coast on my own in our camper. And while traveling blessed me with some of the most fun experiences I've ever had, I also deeply missed my husband... my father passed away just before I left... and I'd just temporarily closed my business due to burnout on top of the inability to shoot because ya know - 2020...
I say all of this not for you to feel bad for me- at all! I simply aim to provide context through some of the very deep reasons I spent the last two years, not only training to become a holistic healer but truly working very hard to heal myself. How?? ...a detailed story for another day...

BUT! NOW... my love is home from deployment and he's joined me in holistically training and healing our minds, bodies, and souls... and we are FINALLY living full-time on the road together! Stepping into this next phase of life and adventure did not come without its unique difficulties, however, we are more grateful to be alive than I think we've ever been! God has healed us as individuals in so many ways and saw fit to bring that healing into our marriage in ways neither of us knew were possible. Again... we shall share more of our journey soon enough... but for now... this brings me to your gift...
Through our trials, it became more and more clear that we were truly meant to share the gifts God has given us... and the greatest of these has been TRUE love... and TRUE peace.

And what defines TRUE peace?
It is the ability to have and KEEP it - even and especially in the presence of obstacles and aversion.
Meditation is one of the best ways to practice peace - because yes... it requires practice. It also requires patience, kindness, and steadfastness. And while meditation is only one part of a process that we hope to help you learn soon, it is a foundational gift that can help to stabilize you when patience, kindness, and steadfastness are hard to find.
So tonight my friends... as you lay down to rest, we pray you enjoy this gift of meditation... this gift of opening the doorway to peace.
For more gifted guided meditations and relaxation artworks we have coming your way, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and subscribe!
God bless your journey!
-Ty & Bri <3