Good morning ☀️ and Happy Saturday beauties!

Many of you know, Ty and I began a minimalist journey into holistic wellness a couple of years ago. Most people understand minimalism in very aesthetic and spatially impactful ways, but not everyone understands the core values of minimalism are applicable in many other areas of life- my personal favorite- the emotional spectrum. 💙
With this in mind, I wanted to share one of my favorite resources on minimalism and emotional decluttering, Youheum Son. In the video below, you can learn a few easily applicable steps to learning how to let go of harmful mental and emotional baggage. As a person who has dealt with some pretty severe anxiety in past years, emotional decluttering along with daily prayer and meditation have been major healing factors for me! 🦋
At church, we learn a great many inspiring ideals that we’d like to apply to help us on our walk to live happier and healthier lives but without an action plan, these ideals can be difficult to apply. True and healthy religion is found in a system or set of habits we choose to help us apply the lessons God teaches us- so this means, we can’t just go to church and hear inspiration without finding a way to take the healing God has offered and really live within it each day. I heard God telling me about the beauty and strength He had stored within me, but not until I learned how to focus and rest my mind each day on His truths, and walk through life trusting, knowing, and operating from a place of belief, did I find true and lasting wholeness. Freedom. 🙏🏾

So! While minimalism is definitely not a religion, I pray some of it's incredibly helpful applications can help you on your healing journey as it's helped Ty and me on ours!
Love and hugs all around!
God bless your journey!